
That’s us at SINGING ROCK - Season I

The great group of people who create the true SINGING ROCK culture is the priceless benefit for most of us who work at the company. We develop and manufacture gear for the vertical world as if it were for us. Most of the manufacturing is handmade and so thousands of finished products or their parts pass through our hands. The company has been in business for more than 30 years. During that time, many people have taken turns at the machines and computers but some of them have been here almost from the beginning. We'd like to introduce you to some of our crew without whom your harness, carbiner or ice axe would never see the light of day.

In 2023, we published the first season of the meet-the team series. Take a look at the selected 24 pieces. Click on them to find out more. You can meet more of our colleagues and friends in the ongoing second season, and the others will be introduced some other time...

Tonda Kuzmanič came to us five years ago from a company producing electrical conductors. He had never seen a forging press in his life :)

179611 Radka and Petra, the Kočárek sisters. At SINGING ROCK "Raduza" is considered a reliable, smiling hard worker always willing to help. Petra is a great athlete whose sewing machine has metamorphosed into a Spartan race medal rack :)) 

179613Veronika Hajná"What I enjoy most is sewing the complex badass Arbo Master harnesses. About 60 pieces pass under my hands every month, from the first strength stitch to the last hem!"

179617 Tomáš Řehák"This is my seventh summer working at SR as a mechanic, my biggest hobby is Jawa vintage motorcycles."

179616Blanka Havrdová"I'm a sewing workshop forewoman and a specialist for complex projects. I spend a lot of time making samples or problematic products."

179618Iveta Hélová has been with us for 18 years and during that time she has been through everything. Today her most frequent job is pressing steel lanyards.

167520Milan Koncoš resembles a fallen rock angel thnks to his long blonde hair and face perpetually black with graphite, which fits well with his musician and art soul.

167522Petra Hásová has been the heart and head of our completing workshop for the tenth year. She catches up and saves troubles with total commitment.

167524Tomáš Lukášek: "I landed at SR fifteen years ago. I'm in the final inspection of carbiners, helmets and other products. It sounds impossible, but I've inspected over 7,000,000 of them!"

167865Lenka Chlupáčová: I started at SR 26 years ago as a temporary worker during the holidays and I bought my first mountain bike with my fee!

167871Blanka Stěhulová has been workingat SR for 30 years and she has made thousands of products in those three decades. She is respected and appreciated for her experience and diligence.

167873Šárka Sůvová joined SR right after her apprenticeship as a seamstress so today she has been with us for fifteen years. She gradually moved to the completion department where she uses her extensive experience.

168596Petr Medek. During his 28 years at SR, he has experienced the entire evolution of the company and professionally he has gone through a "movie-like" path: from worker to production manager.

168598Lubomír Mahdal is our new master of climbing hardware production, he joined us last year.

168594Mirek Matějec is a climbing fanatic! Whether it's sandstone climbing, overhangs, ice climbing, mix climbing or drytooling, Míra just loves to climb!

168828Martin Horák has been working at SR for so long that we don't even remember how. He's our most experienced developer.

168830Lumír Fajkoš is our sales representative. He offers and sells things that he uses himself in the rocks.

168832Jan Zámečník: "What I enjoy the most is when we have a really great product that we support with nice marketing and we get great feedback."

168834Kairat Rachmetov, another one of our developers, has rock climbing imprinted into his movements, his gestures, his eyes, his DNA.

169203Jarda Keprt, our manager of metal fabrication. A cordial, good-humoured professional, an engineer and an economist with a broad outlook and a sense of the rough humour of the Jeseniky region.

169205Artsiom Hasiankou, our sales manager. He doesn't work only with numbers, he does a lot of things around.

169207Jirka Hrdina, Mr. CEO! Under his leadership SINGING ROCK has been living, growing and developing for many years.

169209In this selection we introduce only some of us. They represent people across professions who design, produce and sell climbing equipment for your sport, work and pleasure. There are many others at SINGING ROCK who are involved in its running and production. The fact that they are not mentioned here does not mean that their work is less important. On the contrary, the functioning of the company depends on each individual. You can meet more of our colleagues in Series II of the show and we will show you others from our ranks sometime in the future ;)

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