
Ondřej Šnopl
Sales Manager for Czechia and Slovakia (permanent lifelines)


Name: Ondřej Šnopl
Position: Sales Manager for Czechia and Slovakia (permanent lifelines)
At Singing Rock since: 2017

What do you like at Singing Rock?
Team of great people, a good mood at the workplace and a diversity of work.

What do you like about climbing?
For me climbing is nature, friends, exploration, passion, life. It has become an integral part of my life and myself. On climbing, I am enjoying its exuberance, no one tells you where to climb, how, with whom. You can climb without a rope or on a rope with your best friend, for fun and overcome your limits.

What are your other hobbies?
My dog Monty, climbing in all its forms, skitouring, mountain bikes, in-line skating, traveling and collecting punk CDs and LPs.

Describe your perfect day. 
In nature, preferably in rocks or mountains, with those I love, with bag full of contentment and a smile on my face.

Your motto?
Life, you chickenshit, show yourself and let me fight with you!

Ondřej Šnopl

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