Martin Stráník

Name: Martin Stráník
Nickname: Noo Noo
Job: meteorologist at Czech Hydrometeorological Institute
Year of birth: 1990
Climbing since: 1996
Country: Czech Republic
What do you enjoy about climbing?
I love the movement, its complexity, when you have to use all your body. I also really enjoy being outside in a beautiful nature, which climbing “environment” offer, and there improve my climbing skills. And I love friendly climbing community.
How did you start with climbing?
My father take me into climbing, first it was just some easy climbing on rocks and climbing wall, but soon it turned into hard training, which was possible on a new climbing wall build in my town.
Other interests?
Every sport, girlfriend, cooking, going outside with our dog.
Why do you take part in the competitions?
Competitions are the most objective form how to compare with others climbers all around the world. Competitions are for me also source of motivation to training.
Favourite climbing area?
Rocklands, Switzerland. From Czech areas it is Bor and Děčínský Sněžník.
The best achievements?
2nd place World Championship Avilles 2007, 2nd place World Cup Munich 2015, 2nd place World Cup Meiringen 2016, 7th ion overall standing World Cup 2016, many times Czech champion in bouldering and lead climbing. 8C Practice of the Wild (Magic Wood), 8C The Story of Two Worlds 8C (Cresciano), more than 400 boulders 8A up.
What are your plans for the future?
I really would like to became a professional climber, to be a stable part of world elite on World Cup Circuit in bouldering and add boulder ascents in 8B+-8C range.
Climbing in 100 years?
I think, that climbing is going to follow current trend, it means that climbing will be more popular and professional sport and that´s why climbers will be much more improved in their physical and psychical abilities.
My the most impressive climbing experience?
I have many strong experiences connected with comps and boulders all around the world. Currently, the most impressive experience is from World Cup in Munich (08/2015), where i finished 2nd. It was amazing feeling to climb in finals in such an atmosphere and before my biggest fan – my girl, and it was also huge satisfaction for those years of training.
Climbing is one of the best sport I know, so do not hesitate and come to climb!
Best achievements?
To tu ještě nebylo XIIb (sandstone 9a, Labské údolí, Czechia) (info)
Kráter 8C/8C+ (Holštejn, Czechia) (info+video)
4-Low 8C (Valle Bavona, Switzerland) (info)
Pohár Nesmrtelnosti 8B+ (Sloup, Czechia)
Bulbasaur 8C (Sklapsko, Czechia) (info+video)
Faethon 8C FA (Labské údolí, Czechia) (info, video)
Warrior 8C FA (Labské údolí, Czechia) (video)
Black Panther 8C FA (Vesec, Czechia) (video)
Primitivo 8C (Valle Bavona, Switzerland) (info+video)
Iceberg 8C FA(Holštejn - Moravský Kras, Czechia) (info)
Senzace 9a (Krkavka) (info in Czech language, video)
Ghost Rider 8C (Sloup - Moravský Kras) (video)
Drift 8C (Moravský Kras, Czechia) (video)
Pata ledovce 8C (Holštejn - Moravský Kras, Czechia) (info+video)
Polar Bear 8B+ FA (Prilep, Macedonia) (info)
Hvězdná Relikvie 8B/B+ FA (Szklarska Poreba, Poland) (video)
Tekuté Štěstí 8C FA, (Sloup - Moravský Kras, Czechia) (video)
Der mit dem Fels Tanzt 8C (Chironico in Switzerland) (video)
Fuse 8B+ (Kremstal, Austria) (video)
Dreamcatcher 8B+/8C FA (Petrohrad, Czechia) (info)
Der Gusseiserne Dackel low 8B+ (Hirschwände, Austria) (video)
Alice Im Muskelland 8B+ (Badener Kletterschule, Austria) (video)
Catalán Witness the Fitness 8C (La Cova de l'Ocell, Spain) (video)
Hélios 8B+ FA (Labské pískovce, Czech Republic) (video)
Riot Act 8B/B+ (Frankenjura, Germany)
Síla je Kouzlo 8B+ (Sloup - Moravský Kras, Czech Republic)
Bugeleisen 8B+ (Maltal, Austria)
Ill Thrill 8B+ (Magic Wood, Switzerland) (video)
Mystic Stylez 8B+ (Magic Wood, Switzerland) (video)
From Shallow Waters to Riverbed 8B/B+ (Magic Wood, Switzerland) (video)
The Story of Two Worlds 8C (Cresciano, Switzerland) (video)
Metelkův Mechanický Betlém 8B+ (Labské pískovce, Czech Republic) (video)
H1N1 8B/B+ (Sloup - Moravský Kras, Czech Republic) (video)
Decent Fellow 8B/B+ (Labské pískovce, Czech Republic) (video)
Die Summe der Einzelnen Teile 8B+ (Königshöhle, Austria)
H2O 8A+ (Bor, Czech Republic)
Practice of the Wild 8C (Magic Wood, Switzerland) (video)
Black Box 8B (Petrohradské skály, Czech Republic)
Autofix 8B+ (Sloup, Czech Republic) (video)
Never Ending Story 8B+ (Magic Wood, Switzerland) (video)
Boogalagga 8B (Chironico, Switzerland)
Kein Schneehänsen 8B (Sustenpass, Switzerland) (video)
Leiwand 8B (Hirschwände, Austria) (video)
Best places in competetions?
Bouldering - 1st at Czech Championship, 1st in Czech Cup
Lead WC, Briancon - 3rd place, Chamonix - 3rd place
Lead World Championships in Moscow - 4th place
Lead - 2nd at Czech Championship, 1st in Czech Cup
Bouldering - 2nd at Czech Championship, 3rd in Czech Cup
Hangarmasters - 1st place
Czech Championship in Bouldering - 2nd place
Bouldering Czech Cup - 1st place
Czech Championship in Lead Climbing - 3rd place
Bouldering - 1st place in Czech Cup
Lead - 3rd at Czech Championship, 2nd in Czech Cup
Czech Championship in Bouldering - 2nd place
Bouldering Czech Cup - 1st place
Czech Championship in Bouldering - 1st place
Bouldering Czech Cup - 1st place
Bouldering World Cup at Meiringen, Switzerland - 2nd place
Czech Championship in Bouldering - 1st place
Bouldering Czech Cup - 1st place (1st in all events)
Melloblocco - 1st (shared) place
Bouldering World Cup at Munich, Germany - 2nd place
Bouldering Czech Cup - 1st place
Czech Championship in Bouldering - 1st place
Czech Championship in Lead Climbing - 1st place
Bouldering Czech Cup - 1st place
More info about me:
You can find on my blog and facebook, ascents with comments you can find on a
I´m also on instagram @martin.stranik.
Martin Stráník
Articles, videos and links about Martin
- Taťka (Daddy), a documentary about Martin by the film maker Jan Šimánek, 2023
- Boulder/family trip to Fontainebleau, the Stráník brothers show that it's possible to combine family and climbing, November 2022
- Interview for about climbing, training and things around, April 2020
- Bouldering As A Training Tool - Adam Ondra and Matin Stráník on EpicTV, June 2017
- Story of Martin Stráník, video profile from 2016
- Three 8B+s in Magic Wood in a week - Martin´s short comment on his trip to Switzerland, Oct 2016.
- The Story of Two Worlds 8C - Martin sent his 2nd 8C at Cresciano, Switzerland, November 2015.
- Recent successes - videos from: Decent Fellow 8B/B+, Sundecker Hard 8B, Pekelně Se Soustřeď Blbečku 8B and Pekelně Se Soustřeď Mirečku 8B+, July 2015.
- Switzerland - fall 2014 - video from an autumn boulder trip, Martin´s first 8C (Practice of the Wild).
- Martin Stranik Climbing Profile - Martin´s video profile by ON_ OFF Productions, September 2014
- Jack's Broken Heart 8A/A+ The Never Ending Story 8B+ - videos from Martin´s boulder trip to Magic Wood, Switzerland, turn of July and August 2014.
- Black Box 8B, video with Martin climbing an 8B boulder route called Balck Box in the Petrohrad rocks, Czech Republic, February 2014.
- Sick of Sunshine, ~8B+ by Martin Stráník - Martin climbed his most difficult problem so far at Labské údolí, Czech Republic (note: it was the 2nd ascent, not the 1st as is written in the article), Jan 2014.